memory over winter days

I’ll tell you something. I was born for the winter time. I love it! Today, is the first cool day this year where I live and I’m here having a cup of tea (English tea today), and recalling some of the days I have frozen the most while living in England.

The first one that comes to my mind is one day I left early from my night shift at Cafe Pasta in Belsize Park, where I waitress, and it was such a freezing night! Really! We started the shift at 5 pm and by 7 pm more or less, we knew if the night was going to be good or not. So, if we felt the night would be no good, one or two of us, waitresses, were sent home, so the tips, the main part of our payment, would be divided by less people and make it a good night. We rarely had a bad shift at Cafe Pasta! 😉

Anyway, that night I left. I arrived at Golders Green tube station and it was bloody freezing. I really did not want to walk that thousand feet to get home. As a good Taurus, the sensations on the body just overtake me: cold, hunger, tiredness, bad smell, noise… really, it annoys me a lot! So, I called home to beg Andrew to pick me at the station. We are talking about 1996 so we only had the phone at home, almost no mobiles around. For about 20 min I tried to call and it was engaged!! I was so so so angry. Swearing the entire of Andrew’s generation :). Since there was no other way, I gave up and walked home, freezing with all of my body and soul, and never forgot that day ever after!! 🙂

Second memory I have right now is of one day that I left the University were I was studying marketing, at Euston station at around 9:30 pm, to go home, Southwest London. Tube plus bus plus a little walking. I remember myself at the bus stop, on Chiswick main road, waiting for my bus. It was a rainy night. A super tiny little rain, a lot of wind and I was freezing… Remember that 10 min as an eternity!

Third episode I remember we were in Edinburgh by Christmas time, visiting Andrew’s family. All white. Had never seen such a beauty before. After 5 minutes outside I was begging to go somewhere inside. Could not stand it. Such an amazing blue sky and landscape; Edinburgh is so so beautiful!!

Apart from those times, all I remember is having such a gorgeous time in winter. The first time I saw a snow shower, oh my God… I was home alone in London and suddenly that sweet, delicate and beautiful snow shower starts. I was in front of a glass window and I remember laughing and being so excited like a small child! Love this memory forever! <3

To know oneself is also to make sure you know whatever, on the body level, makes you feel good or not.

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Traduzir em palavras os sentimentos que me atravessam me ajuda a organizá-los e refleti-los.

Perguntar-nos ‘Quem sou eu?’ é pra que estamos aqui! E eu espero te inspirar a explorar esse tema.

about the blog

This blog was born from the constant dive into myself and the universe around me.

To reflect into words the feelings that emerge, helping me to organize and translate them.

To ask ourselves ‘Who am I?’ is what we are here for! I hope this blog inspires you to explore it.